Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm still here!
I've not updated in so long! Life is moving right along. I got a job that I will be carpooling to with a friend, which is such awesome news for me. I start on the 1st. Now I can officially move out of Columbia KY and live up here by campus with a good friend. When she moves out in January I will take over her apartment. I can make my work in the ceramics studio on campus and all will be well in the long run. I have decided to make a new Etsy under my actual name for my ceramics work. It will be a little bit before that happens, I'm still working on details and such. So yeah, that's what up for now. I've just now gotten my computer up here with me so I'll try not to neglect you anymore, haha. Maybe I'll bring my camera to the studio tomorrow and show ya what I've been working on. :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
25% off sale!
I'm having my first big sale in my shop right now. Now through Monday the 5th, EVERYTHING is 25% off. :)
Treat yourself to some pretties to celebrate Autumn. The weather has been amazing!
Treat yourself to some pretties to celebrate Autumn. The weather has been amazing!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Am I ever going to have a kiln?
I've been avoiding this post because I have to tell everyone that I still haven't been able to get my kiln. Something about someone going out of business so now one of the parts that is used in the kiln is more money, making the kiln over $500. So I still don't have enough. Sad day. And yes I've checked craigslist and ebay over and over and over. They do not have what I need.
I go back to Richmond really soon to house sit again though, so I will be job hunting hard core in an effort to finally move there. Then I won't need a kiln right away since I can work in the studio on campus. Yay. :)
In good new, I do have two new photo's up in my photo Etsy.

I go back to Richmond really soon to house sit again though, so I will be job hunting hard core in an effort to finally move there. Then I won't need a kiln right away since I can work in the studio on campus. Yay. :)
In good new, I do have two new photo's up in my photo Etsy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'll have a kiln soon!
Finally, holy crap. I made enough money from demonstrating at the pottery festival to get a small test kiln. It will be this one:
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Pottery Festival
So, apparently these last few weeks of "putting all my effort into Etsy" has turned into just making things for the upcoming pottery festival. Oh well. Anything that doesn't sell there I will probably put on Etsy, so no worries.
These are pictures I took of the ceramics studio here at the university a couple of years ago. I almost forgot I had them. Thought I would share.

If your in Kentucky you can come to the pottery festival the 12th and 13th of this month in Richmond. It's on Lancaster Ave, right next EKU's campus. You wouldn't be able to miss it, but if you need directions, just send me a message or something. :) I'll be one of the demonstrators for the festival, come say hi. There is also a Kids Fest going on at the same time, right next to the Pottery Festival.
These are pictures I took of the ceramics studio here at the university a couple of years ago. I almost forgot I had them. Thought I would share.

If your in Kentucky you can come to the pottery festival the 12th and 13th of this month in Richmond. It's on Lancaster Ave, right next EKU's campus. You wouldn't be able to miss it, but if you need directions, just send me a message or something. :) I'll be one of the demonstrators for the festival, come say hi. There is also a Kids Fest going on at the same time, right next to the Pottery Festival.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy Week: Happy Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
I know, I know. I slacked on happy week. :( That makes me...not happy, haha. But I will make up for the four days I've missed, and today, all in one post.
Also, I'm glad you all enjoyed my musical selections! And also that some of you got to hear some music you've not heard before. That makes me happy! heehee
#1 My doggies make me very very happy. :) And since I've been away at Mary's, making things and house sitting, I've missed them lots.


#2 The piano makes me very veeery happy. I'm pretty good at learning music on my own, but I really want lessons some day. I love that Mary has a piano. I've been pecking at it for like two weeks now. I'm too afraid to play on it like I'd like though, for fear of the neighbors hearing me, haha. (she lives in an apartment)
#3 Uploading new things to my Etsy makes me happy. :) This is something I just uploaded. It may be new to you, but it's been waiting to be listed for months now, haha. :9
#4- Completed to-do lists!
Also, I'm glad you all enjoyed my musical selections! And also that some of you got to hear some music you've not heard before. That makes me happy! heehee
#1 My doggies make me very very happy. :) And since I've been away at Mary's, making things and house sitting, I've missed them lots.


#2 The piano makes me very veeery happy. I'm pretty good at learning music on my own, but I really want lessons some day. I love that Mary has a piano. I've been pecking at it for like two weeks now. I'm too afraid to play on it like I'd like though, for fear of the neighbors hearing me, haha. (she lives in an apartment)

#3 Uploading new things to my Etsy makes me happy. :) This is something I just uploaded. It may be new to you, but it's been waiting to be listed for months now, haha. :9
#4- Completed to-do lists!
Carissa GoodNCrazy
If only that one were mine!! Except maybe the math. ;D But nonetheless, this blog post concludes my to-do list for the day. And that's a feeling I don't get all too often. It most definitely makes me oh so happy. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Happy Week: Happy Tuesday!
If I couldn't be an artist, I'd want to be a musician. Well, I want to play music regardless, but, ya know... anyways. Here are my five favorite bands/singer-songwriters, which all make me very very happy. Picking just one video for each of these to share is HARD because I want to strap you all down and make you listen/watch them all. But I can't do that. :9 So here we go:
The Smashing pumpkins have been my absolute favorite band since I was about 12 years old. That's over a decade. D: They have sooo many visually amazing videos, so ignore what I said about just one video per person because for them I can't help posting more than that.
Tonight, Tonight - One of my favorite videos ever made
Stand Inside Your Love
I wanted to share more but so many of the youtube videos don't allow embedding these days. :(
Joanna Newsom - I love her equally to the Pumpkins. Her earlier vocals are somewhat of an acquired taste, but she's gotten more...control over the past few years, haha.
Ok, screw what I said about one video. I don't expect everyone to watch all of these anyways, I might as well do what I want, haha.
Fiona Apple - <3
Fast As You Can live with Nickel Creek (I love it when artists mess up a bit! Reminds you they are human too...and it's funny.)
Extraordinary Machine
Regina Spektor - Her new album is awesome
Blue Lips
And Eisley!! :D None of their official videos are on youtube anymore. :(
And that's that. If you've watched more than one or two of those, yay for you. :) Unless you hated them....sad day. :(
The Smashing pumpkins have been my absolute favorite band since I was about 12 years old. That's over a decade. D: They have sooo many visually amazing videos, so ignore what I said about just one video per person because for them I can't help posting more than that.
Tonight, Tonight - One of my favorite videos ever made
Stand Inside Your Love
I wanted to share more but so many of the youtube videos don't allow embedding these days. :(
Joanna Newsom - I love her equally to the Pumpkins. Her earlier vocals are somewhat of an acquired taste, but she's gotten more...control over the past few years, haha.
Ok, screw what I said about one video. I don't expect everyone to watch all of these anyways, I might as well do what I want, haha.
Fiona Apple - <3
Fast As You Can live with Nickel Creek (I love it when artists mess up a bit! Reminds you they are human too...and it's funny.)
Extraordinary Machine
Regina Spektor - Her new album is awesome
Blue Lips
And Eisley!! :D None of their official videos are on youtube anymore. :(
And that's that. If you've watched more than one or two of those, yay for you. :) Unless you hated them....sad day. :(
Monday, August 17, 2009
Happy week: Happy Monday!!!
Happy week starts now! :D

Color makes me very happy.....
....Buddhas make me happy. :)


Color makes me very happy.....
....Buddhas make me happy. :)

...and airy, clean spaces with lots of natural light are essential to my happiness. I don't get enough of them.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Next week is happy week
Next week I'm participating in Curious Girl's Happy Week. :) From her blog: "starting Monday, post a photo (yours or otherwise) and words on your blog about one thing (person, idea, thought, etc.) that makes you happy each day through Saturday.
If you go tell her you want to participate, she will put you on her blog roll thingy. :)I've been wanting to make an effort to post more and this will be a good reason to. Yay!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Giving the job hunt a break, giving Etsy and my mental well being a kick in the ass.
Sorry if I've not replied to your comments much recently. I've been in a self loathing funk and haven't been being as productive as I should be. (am I ever?)
My job hunting has taken a zillion different directions just over the past week, but I think I have it settled. At least for now. My frazzled brain noise went as follows:
Relying on the fact that the owner of the local Chinese restaurant is interested in hiring me as soon as the kids that currently work there head back to school. There are pro's and con's to this that I won't get into.
I then had an overwhelming feeling that I need to get out of this town already, and searched online for jobs up by campus where I graduated. Then I could keep working in the studio (cause the teachers are awesome and let us grads use the facilities) and get and early start on my recently acquired 5 year plan. But the job I found (which was art related!) is only part time and I wouldn't be making enough to even split rent with Mary, who I would be moving in with. Other job options I racked my brain over ended up not being good ideas either. Bummer. :(
Then I started getting pretty miserable that all this job hunting made me feel like I was giving up on Etsy. And that was not a good feeling. I decided that taking time out to stay with Mary and work in the campus studio for a couple of weeks would be a good idea. The boy also made me feel better by reminding me that I could really use that studio time to make things for the pottery festival next month, and holy crap is he right. Then two weeks turned into three since Mary will be heading off to Penland later this month (lucky her! :D ) and could really use me to house sit and feed her kitties for her again.
I think this will be a really good thing for me to really focus hard on not only getting things made for the pottery festival, but giving my Etsy a good kick in the bum, and try to get my sales back off the ground. I really want to give it all I have for the next three weeks (and beyond of course). No procrastinating. I look forward to it being refreshing, and helping me get my positive attitude back. And hopefully after the festival in September, I can finally afford that small kiln I so disparately need.
In unrelated news, my dreadies have been looking wonderful lately. They are long enough for me to tuck under my head bands and wraps now (well, most of them,haha). It looks rather nice. :)

Oh hey :)
My job hunting has taken a zillion different directions just over the past week, but I think I have it settled. At least for now. My frazzled brain noise went as follows:
Relying on the fact that the owner of the local Chinese restaurant is interested in hiring me as soon as the kids that currently work there head back to school. There are pro's and con's to this that I won't get into.
I then had an overwhelming feeling that I need to get out of this town already, and searched online for jobs up by campus where I graduated. Then I could keep working in the studio (cause the teachers are awesome and let us grads use the facilities) and get and early start on my recently acquired 5 year plan. But the job I found (which was art related!) is only part time and I wouldn't be making enough to even split rent with Mary, who I would be moving in with. Other job options I racked my brain over ended up not being good ideas either. Bummer. :(
Then I started getting pretty miserable that all this job hunting made me feel like I was giving up on Etsy. And that was not a good feeling. I decided that taking time out to stay with Mary and work in the campus studio for a couple of weeks would be a good idea. The boy also made me feel better by reminding me that I could really use that studio time to make things for the pottery festival next month, and holy crap is he right. Then two weeks turned into three since Mary will be heading off to Penland later this month (lucky her! :D ) and could really use me to house sit and feed her kitties for her again.
I think this will be a really good thing for me to really focus hard on not only getting things made for the pottery festival, but giving my Etsy a good kick in the bum, and try to get my sales back off the ground. I really want to give it all I have for the next three weeks (and beyond of course). No procrastinating. I look forward to it being refreshing, and helping me get my positive attitude back. And hopefully after the festival in September, I can finally afford that small kiln I so disparately need.
In unrelated news, my dreadies have been looking wonderful lately. They are long enough for me to tuck under my head bands and wraps now (well, most of them,haha). It looks rather nice. :)

Oh hey :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Shroom in Bloom
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hope you are having a zen-filled weekend

1. Bokeh Buddha - Hong Kong, 2. Toy Buddha, 3. Buddha, 4. The Buddha, 5. Vitarka-mudra, 6. Buddha with a View, 7. Buddha under a Tree, 8. garden buddha, 9. Ko Samui, Thailand, 10. Untitled, 11. Happy Buddha, 12. Buddha Zen Garden, 13. Shrine, 14. Reclining Buddha, 15. ~ take your peace wherever you may find it ~, 16. Buddha Statue, 17. tiny green buddha., 18. Smiling Green Buddha Face, 19. The Pink Buddha of Lao, 20. my Buddy Buddhi, 21. Buddha in my garden, 22. Garden Buddha # 2, 23. Zen, 24. blue buddha, 25. blue buddha
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Mugs a hobbit would die for
I'm finally getting around to listing the tree mugs I made while staying with Mary and visiting the studio. I prefer to refer to them as the mugs a hobbit would die for. :) I have a few more to list, but here are the two I have listed today.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Photo's from Mary's
When I house sat for my awesome friend Mary last month, I stayed an extra week when she got back and we got dolled up with leaves in out hair and took photos in her backyard. :)

I want to go back. :( I miss her and her kitties. And being close to the studio at school.

The black one is Neko, the other is Wilco. :) I more to post later, and I need to ask her is she care is I post her pic too.

I want to go back. :( I miss her and her kitties. And being close to the studio at school.

The black one is Neko, the other is Wilco. :) I more to post later, and I need to ask her is she care is I post her pic too.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Time to defunk
I've been in a sort of funk lately, and as a result haven't been posting much. A funk of being flat broke and unsuccessfully looking for a job, and being angry, bitter, and frustrated about the whole ordeal. It's very demotivating! And it's turned my brain into a whole bundle of negative thoughts to the point where even watching certain things on television will set me off into a bad day because I will go into fits of jealousy over the stupidest thing, such as the home makeover or house hunting shows, or even people winning things on the Price is Right. It's really pathetic and not the kind of person I really am, or want to be. And I really believe that being negative and feeling sorry for yourself only brings more bad things to you. So it's time to get rid of the funk. It won't happen overnight, but I'm trying.
I finally have a new photo posted on The Understory.
I have been reading a lot on Buddhism and enjoying it.
Now I'm off to start defunking!
I finally have a new photo posted on The Understory.
I have been reading a lot on Buddhism and enjoying it.
Now I'm off to start defunking!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
1 year and 7 months of dreads
Saturday, June 27, 2009
House Sitting, and a giveaway!
I've been house sitting for a friend of mine while she is out of town. Been feeding her kitties, watering plants, and driving her car (woot!). Since she lives by campus that means I've gotten to get in the studio and make stuff. :D I can't wait to post the mugs I've been making. Anywho,
There's a fantastic giveaway at Sweet Bead Studio where you can win these awesome prizes:

I especially want that hammer *drool*. Go enter! I have some pretty pics to post but I'm procrastinating. Also, YESTERDAY WAS MY 25TH BIRTHDAY!!! YAY ME! :D
See ya again soon!
There's a fantastic giveaway at Sweet Bead Studio where you can win these awesome prizes:

I especially want that hammer *drool*. Go enter! I have some pretty pics to post but I'm procrastinating. Also, YESTERDAY WAS MY 25TH BIRTHDAY!!! YAY ME! :D
See ya again soon!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ceramic pod pendants are back. Also, vote for me!
I'm uploading some more of my ceramic pod pendants this evening. So far just one is up but there will be a few more shortly.
I've entered n "Etsy worthy" photo contest over at Timothy Adam's blog and would be soooo grateful if you all voted for my photo. The direct link to vote for me is right here. And the link to the whole contest is right here. This is the photo I entered:

Thank you so much if you vote for me. Also if you are going to enter it yourself let me know! I'd love to vote for you too. :D
I've entered n "Etsy worthy" photo contest over at Timothy Adam's blog and would be soooo grateful if you all voted for my photo. The direct link to vote for me is right here. And the link to the whole contest is right here. This is the photo I entered:

Thank you so much if you vote for me. Also if you are going to enter it yourself let me know! I'd love to vote for you too. :D
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Post storm walk
I walk around my block just about every evening an hour or so before dark for exercise and the peacefulness of it. Living in the country right outside of town is nice and full of birds chirping and cows mooing and taking my walk is my favorite time of the day. I go around the block 4 times which is apx 3.2 miles.
A couple of weeks ago a storm had just cleared and the clouds and atmosphere was amazing. I wish I would have gotten my camera out sooner, but I still managed to get some pics of my walk that evening.

There was another, closer, larger cloud like this before I grabbed my camera that had a striking resemblance to a giant pie. :9

LOVE those huge post-storm cumulus clouds.

I don't walk up the dirt path, it's 'no trespassing' territory. But I'm quite curious to see whats up there. I think I'll Google earth it later, haha.

I wish you could see the fog rising up from the street in some of these photos.

Ipod cord :9

I hope there are many more moments like this as the summer progresses, and that I can get some more shots to do it some justice.
A couple of weeks ago a storm had just cleared and the clouds and atmosphere was amazing. I wish I would have gotten my camera out sooner, but I still managed to get some pics of my walk that evening.

There was another, closer, larger cloud like this before I grabbed my camera that had a striking resemblance to a giant pie. :9

LOVE those huge post-storm cumulus clouds.

I don't walk up the dirt path, it's 'no trespassing' territory. But I'm quite curious to see whats up there. I think I'll Google earth it later, haha.

I wish you could see the fog rising up from the street in some of these photos.

Ipod cord :9

I hope there are many more moments like this as the summer progresses, and that I can get some more shots to do it some justice.
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