Also, I'm glad you all enjoyed my musical selections! And also that some of you got to hear some music you've not heard before. That makes me happy! heehee
#1 My doggies make me very very happy. :) And since I've been away at Mary's, making things and house sitting, I've missed them lots.


#2 The piano makes me very veeery happy. I'm pretty good at learning music on my own, but I really want lessons some day. I love that Mary has a piano. I've been pecking at it for like two weeks now. I'm too afraid to play on it like I'd like though, for fear of the neighbors hearing me, haha. (she lives in an apartment)

#3 Uploading new things to my Etsy makes me happy. :) This is something I just uploaded. It may be new to you, but it's been waiting to be listed for months now, haha. :9
#4- Completed to-do lists!
Carissa GoodNCrazy
If only that one were mine!! Except maybe the math. ;D But nonetheless, this blog post concludes my to-do list for the day. And that's a feeling I don't get all too often. It most definitely makes me oh so happy. :)