I've been avoiding this post because I have to tell everyone that I still haven't been able to get my kiln. Something about someone going out of business so now one of the parts that is used in the kiln is more money, making the kiln over $500. So I still don't have enough. Sad day. And yes I've checked craigslist and ebay over and over and over. They do not have what I need.
I go back to Richmond really soon to house sit again though, so I will be job hunting hard core in an effort to finally move there. Then I won't need a kiln right away since I can work in the studio on campus. Yay. :)
In good new, I do have two new photo's up in my photo Etsy.

So maybe someone somewhere knows your going to get to move to Richmond and the kiln complication is just guiding you to save money. Things always work out the right way in the end. Love the new sunflower print by the way!
Worry not my friend, the kiln Gods will smile upon thee ;)
Oh Well!!! Such are the frustrations of the artist's life.
Best of luck with the job hunting.
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